Sabado, Hulyo 19, 2014

My Story Episode 1

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My Story Ep. 1

My birthday's coming up in less than a month and I suddenly have all this realizations in life. Honestly, their more of 'dilemmas' rather than realizations. I'm going to be 18 and I I'm not even sure if I'm going to have a party. Okay, so I'm a guy and usually guys throw a huge part on their 21st but I'm different. I always wanted to throw a party PARTY on my 18th cause it'll be like me saying goodbye to immature me and facing the painful reality of life. Besides, 18's special to me cause I can finally be imprisoned, not that I want to, but get it? I'm finally something to the society, lol and in line with that I want to celebrate it! Anyway, I'm not sure if my I, together with my parents and sister's help, can pull it off. Because of this, I decided to make a week by week countdown-like and update you guys about what I'm planning to do on my birthday and the knowledge/realizations I gain every week.Who knows, this might be beneficial to some people out there. Lastly, I think some of you think my idea of throwing a party, and crying if that doesn't happen, is totes dumb. Well, I can't blame you. After all you can't understand someone, not until you experience what they're going through, so my advice don't judge. On the other hand, I'm going to try not to care, lo cause after all 'YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE'. Too much info? Sorry

Playing Timezone again! I love it, I feel so safe there
 Okay, so this may be totes weird, but I love playing in Timezone, especially the branch in Greenbelt 3. I know I'm 17 and I should be thinking of something better, like doing my homework and studying everyday. Sorry I'm just not like that. I'm FAILING my classes but I always see to it that I still have time to myself. I enjoy the company of others, but nothing beats some alone-time. I believe that we have to learn to stand with our own two feet and not need anyone else to make us smile. You have to accept who you are before others accept you for you. Besides, how can you love others when you can't even love/appreciate yourself.

My comfort food (Kettle Korn, Chef Tony's Popcorn and Tous Les Jours) plus a new top (Bershka)

Went to Star City with Jhia Asinas, Juana Segismundo and Joana Aberin (Both behind the camera)
(c) Ri Ranjo, ME. Edited on VSOCAM
So one day, June 17, I was left in our new condo in SM Jazz. It was the same day I realized tons of things like how much I've changed. From being a kid who can't live without volleyball (seems like it was a part me before) to a teen who knows how to enjoy even if he's alone. I'm saying I'm independent, cause I'm not but rather I've changed from being weak to becoming strong. I use to cry a lot cause I didn't make it as an athlete in college, but now, I don't really care anymore. Instead, I focus my disappointment from that to do other things, like blogging, singing (TRYING) and dancing (ALSO TRYING REALLY HARD). After taking this photo, I had a lot of ... interpretations with it. First, I saw a lost man trying to reach for his dreams, but fails. Second, a person who doesn't give up. Third, someone who constantly tries things to find who he is. Lastly, a dramatic person who is reaching for nothing and is looking for someone/something new. NEVER GIVE UP. IT ISN'T OVER TILL YOU SAY IT IS. JUST WAIT, YOU'LL FIND SOMEONE BETTER... SOMEONE WHO'LL LOVE YOU HARDER AND LONGER, IT MAY EVEN BE YOUR FOREVER.

Appreciate yourself. (YES THEIR ALL SELFIES SORRY)

CBO in Greenbelt 5 (Try it guys, really tasty, worth-it and self-comforting)

Penshoppe top, Uniqlo Checkered Polo.

My new BERSHKA Top. Soon to wear lol

Penshoppe top, Uniqlo Checkered Polo.

Remember this: You don't have to try so hard or change so people could see you. You just have to be you and let people see you for who you are. AND EJOY. Also, in choosing clothes, never buy something just for the sake having something to add in your cabinet. Well, atleast not if you're trying to save money  Going back, don't buy something unless you really feel like you want it, as if it wants you to wear it cause a person changes their mind like the weather, unpredictable (KIND A LIKE LOVE).

Don't forget to follow me on Twiiter and Instagram for more awesome photos! Plus get to know me more, who knows maybe we can be friends or more? Lol, kidding.XOXO

Twitter/Instagram: riranjo 

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